Science Confirms 'Emotional Anatomy'
Wonder Vision Wisdom.
Intelligent Design.
Albert Einstein.
Oswald Chambers.

Regional Cerebral Metabolism Unique to Mood
Selective memory, repressed memory, mood dependent world view.
Robert T. Dunn, Tim A KImbrell, Terence A. Ketter, Mark A Frye,
Mark W. Willis, David A. Luckenbaugh, and Robert M. Post
Biological Psychiatry 2002:51:387-399

In order to describe what is happening within the larger concept of our mind,
it is useful to identify unique organs of activity functioning simultaneously
to produce the overall magnificent experience of 'alive'.  Emotional Anatomy

Academic Psychiatry (below) is on the verge of understanding "Emotional Anatomy".
They acknowledge symptom clusters, 'Emotional Cascades', syndromes and behavioral styles,
concluding however, pathologic labels. Very practically, there is a trend away from "illness oriented"
thinking to "symptom reduction" treatment approaches, focusing on diminishing or modifying
'Emotional Waves' and 'Emotional Reflexes', the debilitating effect of overwhelm, (the "disorder"; emotional tangles).
This allows the beginnings of Cognitive Surgery, Emotional Surgery, Pharmacotherapy, Guerrilla Wrestling
Stuck in a box and the tug of war between stories, intending personal meaningfulness and purpose.
The Spoken Operating System.

"The data are clear, convincing and overwhelming," said Daniel B. Borenstein, MD.,
president of the American Psychiatric Association, in September while testifying before
the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
"The repeated exposure to violent imagery desensitizes us to violence and greatly increases
the risk that we will manifest violence in our own behavior. We must educate parents to
the health risk of exposure to violent entertainment the same way we educate them
to the health risk of exposure to infectious diseases." (Psychiatric Times, Nov 2000)

It is reflex emotional overwhelm that prevents rational discussion.
For the future of freedom, for good and great purpose, is how the mind is made.
"Emotional Anatomy" is intelligently designed to provide excellent self protective strategies,
keeping safe while awaiting wisdom, skill and ability to choose more wisely amongst available alternatives.
It is predictable, accurately identifiable, patterns of powerful, wordless, emotional responses
that trigger, provoke, even force behaviors and attitudes into action.
Often reasonable responses to insane pain.
Attitude, drug & behavioral addictions,
Stuck in a Box

Prefrontal Placticity meets Emotional Anatomy
Psychopharmacology modifies the intensity of Emotional Reflexes,
interrupting anatomically established, reflexively driven Emotional Cascades,
making it possible to modify behavior, the prefrontal story telling response.
Bruce Miller, MD: Personal Communication, 1/30/2002

The Story of Freedom
The Spoken Operating System
Free the Genius of the People

Massachusetts Institute of Technology:   Generation Wisdom, everybody helping everybody else.

Harvard Medical School teaches these ideas for the improved control of Bipolar Disorder: STEP-BD
Not yet acknowledging their value to the general population understanding 'Stuck in a Box'

A very fortunate meeting and personal communication with Michael E. Thase, MD, Professor of Psychiatry
from the University of Pittsburgh school of Medicine, March 30, 2001 confirms valuable concepts in
functional emotional anatomy. He acknowledges 'Emotional Cascades', the casting of broken emotion
with the modern SSRI medications, the possibility of repairing the emotional anatomy of behavior, and the
precise identification of dysfunctional lesions. I am hoping this will be an exciting beginning to world wide
collaboration in shaping the language of Emotional Anatomy and Emotional Surgery. A struggle to describe
The Spoken Operating System is not surprising, even those who work in the field wrestle their own vulnerabilities.
Note:   Thase, Michael E., Psychoeducation in 'Long-Term Nature of Depression. J Clin Psychiatry 1999;60(suppl#14)pg 5.

Emotional Surgery

Note:   Keller MB, McCullough JP, Klein DN, New Engl J Med. 2000;1462-1470
Keller MB and Zucker ME, APA MEETING: Drug-Psychotherapy Combo Effective For Chronic Depression


Very promising are references to "symptom signatures" (by A. John Rush, MD, Professor of
Psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern medical school, a personal communication,
March 2000) which refers to the unique progression of symptoms and behaviors preceding and
thereby warning a person they are about to reexperience (a behavior) an episode of illness.  
Though Dr. Rush was referring to affective disorder, this phenomena is observable in all of us
"normal" people as we acknowledge a predictable intelligent design of "Emotional Anatomy"
intending freedom to choose instead of compulsive repetition of counter productive behaviors.


As recently as 1999, Alan C. Swann, MD (the Pat R. Rutherford Jr. Professor of Psychiatry at the
University of Texas, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 60 supplement 15 pages 25-28) began to describe
and distinguish symptoms, syndromes and behavioral dimensions and came close to seeing clearly
that repetitious patterns of behavior were actually unique, emotionally mediated reflex responses
awaiting opportunity for the free choice of a more spectacular option. The careful selection of
medications can offer relief from the automatic, out of control, self and other sabotaging
consequences of triggering so that the privilege of freedom may be understood.


In April, 2000 Dr. David Veale of the Royal Free University College Medical School in London
spoke of 'cognitive patterns' that characterize body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). "They identify themselves
with their appearance," he said. "The face or its individual features--nose, facial skin, hair, eyes, teeth,
lips, or chin--are the most common sites of preoccupation, although the patient's attention may fasten
on any part of the body. Indeed, in a study of 25 BDD patients who had undergone 46 cosmetic
surgery procedures, 50% transferred their preoccupation to a different area after the procedures."  
Suggesting 'Attitude Addictions', appearing as identifiable patterns of reflex emotional cascades,
remain unaltered unless they can be seen clearly and willingly surrendered for greater purposes:
'The Story of Freedom'

More recently there has been intensified interest in Kreaepelinesque (1855-1926) studies of
'prodromal' symptoms warning of schizophrenia.   Still focused on identifying the pathological,
these researchers are not yet acknowledging that these repetitious recognizable sequences of
emotionally mediated patterns of thinking and behaving also represent pluripotential personality.
Sophisticated deception manipulates the mood to believe lies.  The vocabulary of Emotional Anatomy
describes the mind's intelligently designed operating system intending to inspire and motivate
'leadership', executive function freely choosing wisely amongst broad spectrum alternatives.

William Byne, MD et al, in the latest Feb/02 American Journal of Psychiatry describes abnormalities in the emotional
anatomy of schizophrenic brains. His research demonstrates a decreased volume of the dorsolateral nucleus and pulvinar,
major thalamic relay stations for transmission and integration of emotional information between the story telling prefrontal cortex
and cingulate/amygdala/hippocampal emotional system. For schizophrenic brains, Ralph Aquila, MD (Columbia College of Physicians
and Surgeons) champions the new atypical antipsychotic agents to prove it is not too late to find collateral pathways to new stories of
meaningful employment and participation in social relationships. Emotional Anatomy intimately influences the tug of war between stories.
Cascading emotional reflexes provoke stubbornly fixed story lines until a more powerful story invites freely chosen participation.

Helen S. Mayberg, MD (Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology at the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine)
and her research group at the Rotman Research Institute in Toronto are studying and documenting changes
in regional cerebral blood flow during mood states.   Using positron emission tomography (PET) to monitor
the anatomical response of the living brain to sadness and the resolution of depression, they have found
recognizable patterns of changing blood flow in the architecture of functioning brain.
Dr. Mayberg told CNS News, August 2000  (
"When you get sad, certain cortical parts of the brain get turned off."
Neuroimaging studies are further confirming the reality of Emotional Anatomy.
Previously called the 'unconscious'--recognizable and describable mood states
determine patterns of attitudinal and behavioral responses to life stress.



The fight for freedom begins in the land of imagination. Emotional reflexes are the cause of so called unconscious action.
The wordless world of emotion is designed to respond effectively to any circumstance. Not "unconscious" just wordless,
automatically and repetitiously in your face.  Absent intelligent coaching, social chaos follows. Postmodern manipulations,
all too aware of mental states, attitude addiction attempts to avoid engaging the reflex, ignoring The Big Movie.  
Sophisticated deception manipulates the mood to believe lies.
(Stuck in a Box)
Who are You?
When working properly, enhancing chances of survival offers living long enough to be inspired by The Story of Freedom.
Then, so inspired, share your discovery with the world. For the Future of Freedom, we need you now more than ever.
People are the product of freedom.


Generation Wisdom

Rick Ankiel
Peter Russell
the tug of war between stories

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Riggs Bailey Roberts, MD
"Gratitude reboots the machine."


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